
I am in love with The Time Traveler's Wife. It is fantastic and I am less than 100 pages in. It is the story of this man who is a time traveler and how he meets his wife. Kind of a love story, but not sappy and romantic. Henry (the time traveler) meets Clare (his wife) when he is twenty-eight and she is twenty. Henry is a librarian who bangs a lot of chicks and Clare is an art student. Henry has never met Clare before (or so he thinks and remembers) but Clare has known Henry since she was six. So Henry keeps time travelling back to the past and Clare finds out tidbits of information about her future with Henry and it is really fun. I like the idea of someone who can time travel so this is fun and different. Henry ends up time traveling back to teach his younger self how to do things like pick pocket, steal, and other weird things. Henry arrives at his time destination naked with nothing so he has to steal things to be able to eat and get clothes. It is a really fun book so far, I would recommend it highly!


Newmania said...

I tried it Jenny but it was bit slow for me . I have read some great time travelling stories in the SF genre though one tremendous one about a man making dreadful descisions and being terrified of his future self who is a malign controlling presence...Lots really and as a device its good for going is all sorts of directions . Michael Moorcock`s first hit was " Behold The Man" when a Jesus Freak goes back in time and discovers he isn`t going to see Jesus getting nailed up , he is Jesus

Like your photo you look sweet

Jenny! said...


The photo is decieving...I am so NOT sweet! But thanks! Those books sound great, I don't like to admit to the fact that I am a Sci-Fi Nerd all the time.

Newmania said...

OK you are not sweet you are cutesy wootsy wittle lambkin.

Jenny! said...


That is much better!