
Yeah...I got the book and started reading yesterday. I read about 50 pages and couldn't put it down...well obviously I did since I only read 50 pages...but you know what I mean. I do find Jen's...if I can call her that...footnotes very funny...although slightly annoying (I feel like a fucktard because it slows my reading down)! Fucktard...can't tell you the last time I heard that term. I am very pleased that she refreshed my vocabulary with a profane saying that I have left out of my daily grind. Great book choice Sarah...I love it. Some of the things she says are identical to the things that I think...if only I had the cojohns 1 (spelling???) to say them outloud.

1. Synonyms: balls, nuts, junk, jewels, berries, beans, sack, eggs, tea bags, and many more!


Jeanette said...

Nice footnote. As much as I trashtalk I really don't have the nuts to say it to most people's faces, nor do I necessarily want them knowing what I really think of them. I wish I didn't care. Are there drugs for that? My blogging would be a lot more interesting if there wasn't the dread floating over me that this might get in to the wrong hands.

Sarah said...

I agree, well played on the footnote! Later she will use asshat and I must admit though I never use it I think it.

Anonymous said...

I say asshat all the time! It's my favorite! Mostly because I think fucktard is really harsh. Fuck stick? Not so much.

Sarah said...

Fuck stick is by far my favorite word ever. I conserve it though for really horrible people, and just about everyone on the freeway!

Jeanette said...

I just called someone a fuck stick this morning! (He really was being a fuck stick too.)I know that fucktard is kind of harsh, but now that I have it in my vocabulary there really are no other words to describe some people