I'm on the epilogue of the book, and I really don't want it to end. I'm usually okay completing a book and not knowing anything more about what happens with the characters, but I have a need to know this time. I want to keep reading about them until they're too old to do anything but sit in rockers. Couldn't the book continue with Flannery and Bonnie's book club that they have kept up? Maybe now I'll actually work on things that I need to do like homework, laundry, and cleaning. We'll see about the last one.
I have started reading another book since I missed Don and I's bathroom reading dates. I started reading a book called Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. I am about 25 pages in and it is definately not as good as AHEB - but it will do as an interum book. The book is about some Chinese woman villagers and the ancient secret woman's language or some shit like that. We'll just see how much more I actually read. After Life of Pi, I also tried to read a non-required book and stopped about 75 pages in...haven't picked it up since. I think that I need the deadline and fear of being the one not finished reading the book to actually finish a book. So thanks book club, for helping me read books all the way through!
12:08 PM
I wouldn't trade my fellow book clubbers in for anyone else, but I definitely think that we need to add an Audrey to the group. If someone could arrange for all of us to go discuss our next book at their parents' beach house that would be fabulous. Maybe we should go somewhere for our next bookclub. Probably nothing as fantastic as Florida, maybe something more like Dennys. Now there would be an experience.
1:37 PM
I miss reading...I wish we could just get to the meeting already. I just want to talk about the book with everyone! I hope the next book selection is just as good as this one...maybe even better.
11:09 AM
1 Animadversions
Maybe my confusion that I'm about to present is because I don't have any children, but I'm thinking that it probably won't change once I do. Why is Slip soooo offended when Audrey tells her that Flannery is a tattle tale. Don't parents know what their kids are like, and if they don't wouldn't they prefer to know what they're really like outside of the home. For instance, Jennie, wouldn't you rather know if Donovan is turning into a really annoying brat than be blind to it and let it go on? (Luckily it's not happening, just a for instance) When I become a parent please don't be afraid to let me know about some of my child's habits or behaviors that I'm not noticing. Anyways, I'm glad that Slip and Audrey have made up so we can have them all at the next meeting together (I know I'm a dork).
10:25 AM
1 Animadversions
What positions on a baseball team do you think all of us would be? Slip's religious studies teachers compares all of the religions to different positions. I don't know what everyone does in a baseball game, but I think that Sarah would be the catcher (you end up dealing with a lot of crap coming from the pitcher), Jennie would be the short stop (nothing gets past her), and I 'm just about out of positions to comment on now.
8:45 AM
1 Animadversions
Why am I crying???
I read the part about the dog and seriously I cried. i realize this makes me a huge nerd but still I was very sad. I have actually found that the characters in this book have become kind of real and while they are not my new invisible friends I kind of get emotional when they do and so on. I guess that is the sign of a good book!
11:03 PM
I'm still in the late 60's in the book, and I wasn't around so I don't exactly know how things went down. I have just read the part where Merit tells her husband that she's in a book club and he slugs her for it. I know that John isn't ready to go and tell the world that his nerdy girlfriend joined a club that reads for the fun of it, but I'm pretty positive that he is not going to hit me over it.
2:30 PM
I won, I won, I won...not like this is a contest or anything...but...I won...I finished the book last night at one of Don and I's bathroom book reading/listening sessions. This book was an excellent choice for discussion (good choice Tina), there is just so much to talk about. It started out a little disappointing (I wasn't sure if this was going to be a book I could finish), it picked up and I couldn't put it down, and then it ended (another big disappointment). I don't know if I was just sad that the book was over or if I really didn't like the ending. Well, I can't wait to discuss at book club on April 7th.
11:30 AM
I've finally started!!! I now understand why noone liked the beginning of the book, but you gals say that it gets better so I'll keep reading. Part of the beginning of the book really got me thinking on something (this doesn't happen too often so I was kind of excited). The male nurse came into the room and thought they were all sisters. Audrey was offended by this saying that it was because he wasn't attracted to them since they were over 50. Since he wasn't attracted to them of course they all looked the same. This reminded me of the conversation that we were having at lunch the other day. Are people not able to tell the difference between people of other races (or ages) because they're not attracted to them, so they don't take the time to notice the little things that makes everyone an individual? The second that I met John I was infatuated with him, so I was obviously able to pick him out of a crowd, and Jennie is my heterosexual life partner so I recognized her from the first day we met in our matching dresses. Normally though it takes me a few times meeting someone before I would be able to pick them out, and I still can't picture most people in my head when I'm talking or thinking about them. Maybe its because I don't find them attractive.
10:32 AM
I read a little bit more of the book last night and I am really enjoying it so far. I am learning more about Merit, whom we don't know a whole lot about yet and I think she might be one of my favorite characters. I am kind of surprised by this because she was just annoying at first.
I am also really excited about this blog but I am afraid I won't say things to Jenny and Jeanette when I see them because I won't have anything to blog about then!
4:08 PM
I have not yet started reading the book, but after the conversation yesterday I am very intrigued to start so that I can see what character I am. If I don't actually read the book though I will not be one of the honest ones who admits that she hasn't done her assigned reading. How exciting, I feel like I'm in high school again - not doing my homework, but not wanting to get into trouble for it. In this case though I will try my best to actually get er done.
8:00 AM
I have been made aware that there are two versions of Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons in cirulation...what version is everyone else reading??? I think I may have the version with fewer pages...when I'm done can someone let me know what pages I'm missing? I don't want to miss out on anything!
4:29 PM
I am so excited to have a blog with my two good buddies from work...Jeanette and Sarah.
4:23 PM